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Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí UK



         European Environmental Bureau                                                

Federation of Environmental Citizens Organisations

Boulevard de Waterloo, 34 – 1000-Brussels

Tel.: + 32 2 289 10 90    Fax: + 32 2289 10 99

E-mail: secretariat@eeb.org 


EEB presents proposals to Strengthen the 6th Environmental Action Programme

(Brussels, 27/02/01) In a paper the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) presented a large number of concrete proposals to strengthen the draft 6th Environmental Action Programme, published by the European Commission a month ago. The draft is now in discussion in the European Parliament and the Environment Council.

The EEB is the largest federation of environmental citizens organisations in Europe, and especially active on EU policies. In a letter to Environmental Ministers and Parliament Members, EEB' Secretary General John Hontelez, wrote: "As this Programme will guide the policies of the EU Institutions in the next ten years, we think it is important that the draft from the Commission is complemented with amendments that reinforce the proposals the Commission has made."

One criticism that the EEB shares with many Environment Ministers is the absence of clear targets and timetables in the Programme. The EEB is making concrete proposals, in particular on greenhouse gases, biodiversity, chemicals, noise, pesticides, airpollution, resource efficiency, waste, renewable energy. It also proposes deadlines for the realisation of a number of crucial policies, like on the elimination of environmentally negative subsidies (2005), the realisation of the 6 foreseen Thematic Strategies (2002) and a "Common Framework for Environmental Integration" (2002).

John Hontelez: "The Commissioner is defending the absence of targets and timetables with the argument that more research and discussion is needed, and that they will come in the Thematic Strategies that will be produced in the coming years. With several Ministries, we think a strong political message from Parliament and Councils about what NEEDS to be achieved, can influence positively the debate about what CAN be achieved."

In the EEB proposal, one can furthermore see concerns about voluntary agreements and a demand for more legislative initiatives. And it proposes environmental tax reform and re-orientation of subsidies to become two essential activities. Like Commissioner Wallström, the EEB favours "enhanced co-operation" between countries that want such a reform, given that for fiscal reforms unanimity of EU governments is still required, presenting a near to impossible hurdle.

The EEB paper ends on a positive note, introducing amendments "to promote increase of staff capacities in the Commission and Member States in specific areas as well on support to citizens organisations."

The paper is available on EEB's website: www.eeb.org

And from the secretariat

More information: John Hontelez, tel. 02-289.1091

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Naposledy změněno: 18. 05. 2005