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Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí UK




Brussels, 24 January, 2000 

The Sixth Environment Action Programme 

Parliament's hard line Vs Commission's soft touch 

The Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament are disappointed with the lack of substance in the Sixth Environment Action Programme published today by the European Commission. Commenting on the new programme, titled "Environment 2010: Our Future Our Choice", Alex de Roo MEP (Greens/Netherlands), Vice President of the European Parliament's Environment Committee, criticised the Commission's soft approach. He said: 

"As it stands, this programme is worse than the 5th Action Programme. At a time where more action is needed it is unbelievable that the Commission proposes less. By taking this soft approach, the Commission is missing a great opportunity to spell out the fundamental basics needed for sound environmental policies for the next ten years. The programme also clearly shows a lack of urgency by the Commission to put its house in order before enlargement takes place, which will inevitably change the EU's priorities vis-a-vis the environment." 

"In the same week as the UN panel on Climate change published an alarming report on global warming, the EU gives no timetable or any quantified targets for the reduction of greenhouse gases. It hasn't even spelt out how it will adhere to its promises under the Kyoto protocol to reduce these gases by 8% and it doesn't give EU reduction targets for 2015 or 2020. In a remarkable strategic turn-around, the Commission relies on the limited good will of businesses." 

While welcoming some general progress on a tougher approach to chemicals, Swedish Green MEP, Inger Schörling, believes that the rest of the new programme contains none of the specifics targets needed: 

" This action programme contains almost no new legislative initiatives. It also fails to integrate environmental policies into other policy areas as was expected. It appears that the Commission is trying to avoid conflicts with industry as well as in-house frictions between its own departments. One thing the Commission can be sure of is that once the programme comes to Parliament, under the co-decision procedure, we will be taking a hard line and it will be closely scrutinised. 

"This new 10-year action programme will now replace previous 8-year programmes on the grounds of improving environmental policies in the long term. But unless specific targets are introduced, it will never even meet its own low expectations. If the Commission is to be taken seriously, it must propose serious proposals. "

****************** For more information: Press Office of the Green/EFA Group Helmut Weixler:

****************** EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF GREEN PARTIES European Parliament - 

room PHS 2C85 rue Wiertz, 

1047 Brussels, Belgium 

ph: 32 2 284 51 35, fax : 32 2 284 91 35 

email : EFGP@europarl.eu.int  http//: www.europeangreens.org

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