MFA – Anthropogenic material flows in the Czech Republic: Analysis of structure and trends and opening a black-box of the physical economy (GAČR, 2016–2018)

MFA – Anthropogenic material flows in the Czech Republic: Analysis of structure and trends and opening a black-box of the physical economy (GAČR, 2016–2018)

The project has two major goals:

1) To develop an input-output model tailored for calculation of raw material equivalents and to analyse structures and trends of EW-MFA indicators compiled for the Czech Republic;

2) To compile and analyse a pilot physical input-output table for the Czech Republic.

Financial support:

Czech Science Foundation

Project duration:


Coordinator of the project in CUEC

Jan Kovanda, PhD., CUEC is the only institution participating in the project

Project description

The project applies methods of economy-wide material flow analysis (EW-MFA) and environmentally-extended input-output modelling (EE-IOM). The objectives of the first task are developing of input-output model tailored for raw material equivalents (RME) calculation, calculation of EW-MFA indicators and analysis of their structures and trends. As we will use both monetary input-output tables (MIOT) and physical input-output tables (PIOT) for calculation of RME, an important outcome will be the comparison of results and discussion of found differences. The centre of the second task is compilation of PIOT for the Czech Republic. It will be preceded by a review of current state of the art in PIOT compilation and developing of compilation procedures which accommodate the most win-win solutions as regards international knowledge. Compilation of PIOT itself will comprise four steps: 1) compilation of a physical use table (PUT), 2) compilation of a physical supply table (PST), 3) compilation of inter-industry deliveries and 4) integration of all the PIOT parts into a final pilot PIOT.

Project team

Jan Kovanda



Charles University
Environment Centre
José Martího 407/2
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

tel.: +420 220 199 460

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