Theoretical analysis of transport regulation (GA CR, 2007–2008)

GP402/07/P484 Theoretical analysis of transport regulation

The project focuses on the theory and empirical evidence in the field of optimal passenger transport regulation. The project tries to contribute to the understanding of transport regulation in the consistent methodological framework of welfare economics, by overviewing and extending some recent microeconomic models, which are then calibrated to the case of the Czech Republic.

GP402/07/P484 Theoretical analysis of transport regulation


Grant Agency of the Czech Republic 

Project duration

January 2007–December 2008 

Project coordinator in CUEC

Ing. Mgr. Hana Brůhová-Foltýnová, Ph.D. 

Project description

The project focuses on the theory and empirical evidence in the field of optimal passenger transport regulation. The project tries to contribute to the understanding of transport regulation in the consistent methodological framework of welfare economics,by overviewing and extending some recent microeconomic models, which are then calibrated to the case of the Czech Republic. The project focuses on the local level (analysis of optimal prices of transport in urban areas), the national level (quantifying the value of travelling time for the Czech Republic, the dead-weight loss estimation) and on the international level (analysis of factors influencing the choice of transport means).

Project outputs

Project outputs in the RIV system



Charles University
Environment Centre
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160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

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